Water Mains & Hydrants

HWEA owns, operates, and maintains over 335 miles of water mains ranging in size from 5/8″ to 36″. The system has over 3,600 valves and 1,420 hydrants.

Elevated Water Storage Tanks & Booster Station

HWEA has seven water storage tanks throughout its system. These tanks store treated water for peak customer demands, fire protection, and pressure regulations. The tanks and their sizes are:

  • Sanderson Drive Tank – 1,000,000 Gallons
  • Industrial Park Tank – 2,000,000 Gallons
  • Gainsville Hill Tank – 2,000,000 Gallons
  • Commerce Park Tank – 1,000,000 Gallons
  • WTP Clearwell – 800,000 Gallons
  • Pembroke Tank – 75,000 Gallons
  • Crofton Tank – 100,000 Gallons

HWEA maintains a water system booster station at Commerce Park.

Sewer Mains

HWEA owns, operates, and maintains over 331 miles of gravity sewers and force mains. These gravity sewers range in size from 6” to 54” in diameter. The system has over 5,800 manholes.

Wastewater Pumping & Lift Stations

HWEA owns, operates, and maintains 81 pumping and lift stations throughout its service area. These stations primarily serve small watersheds that cannot be served by gravity sewers. Several of these stations are large lift stations that transport wastewater to the treatment plants. These stations include:

  • Northside
  • Riverfront
  • Indian Hills
  • Millbrooke
  • Oak Hurst
  • Stone Valley
  • Quarry Road
  • Ft. Campbell Blvd
  • Foston Chapel